CADwalk was proud to partner with Hitachi for this market leading innovation project. The Technology Centre of Excellence (TCoE) was designed to provide Hitachi with a 24/7 365 Remote Support Center for their Mining Dump Truck Autonomous Haulage System.
CADwalk provided Hitachi with a Turnkey approach to this control room solution - with the integration of Consulting, Design, Supply & Install and After Care. This unique approach takes the risk out of control room design and delivery by offering an end-to-end solution.
With 400+ control rooms delivered, CADwalk is your ideal partner to design and deliver operational critical environments that not only face the challenges of tomorrow - but also promote operational effectiveness and employee wellbeing today.
CADwalk takes a collaborative approach to all its projects, to ensure we fully understand the current state, future state, and all key workflow requirements and considerations at every level of the engagement.
Our complete approach looks at all facets of design, that can impact operational performance. Our unmatched knowledge and experience on trends, technology features, innovative operating models and best practices across industries, uniquely positions us to deliver optimal outcomes for our clients.
Through our patented SAR (Spatial Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) technology, we are also able to immerse stakeholders in a "real life" process, that manages change effectively. This is particularly valuable at key stages of the project life cycle, such as when considering room layout, workstation design or human factor studies. This change management process significantly reduces risk and improves the likelihood of achieving your project goals.
If you need any advice regarding a control room, contact us to ensure the best outcome for your critical functions.
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