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Why is Ergonomic Furniture Important?

Furniture that is not ergonomic is likely to lead to an increase in issues with spinal alignment, neck pain and back problems.

The whole human body – including arms and legs – is more static than ever before thanks to portable technology, so it is very important that furniture is accommodating, supportive and ergonomic.

The Center for Disease Control found that 35% of people who sit for 8 hours or more a day are likely to develop some sort of musculoskeletal disorder.

Poorly designed furniture will potentially affect employee well-being and productivity. 

Ergonomics bad posture back spine highlight

Well Designed Ergonomic Furniture is Critical

CADwalk is able to provide ergonomic, robust 24/7 furniture for control rooms, which is designed with comfort, functionality and the movement of the human body in mind.

Our range of furniture is engineered to both international and Australian standards, so no matter what build your Operators are, the features of our furniture (such as chairs and desks) enables users to completely customise the setup to suit their individual comfort and support needs.

This ensures optimum comfort and ergonomic support across multiple users in 24/7 shift-work environments.

Contact us today to see how we can improve your control room ergonomics.

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Product Feature: eDesk

The ergonomically-designed eDesk is a completely mobile motorised height adjustable interactive table, featuring a tiltable Multi‐Touch Screen.

The eDesk is completely manufactured in house after CADwalk recognised a need in industry for a user-friendly solution for meetings, group discussions and presentations. Large multi-nationals have utilised our eDesks in their control room for daily meetings, while other clients use them to replace paper based P&ID procedures.

The desk height can be varied at the push of a button, as well as the screen angle ranging from horizontal to vertical, allowing for ultimate versatility, flexibility and comfort.

The eDesk has front mounted speakers, a USB camera, a smartcard reader, adjustable trays, and is available in different colours.


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Video Walls & AV

Case Studies

Sydney Trains
ScopeRail Operations Centre (ROC) Operational Visual Display System for over 100 operators.
WA Utility
ClientWA Utility
ScopeDesign, project management, supply and install of Control Room technical hardware ...
ScopeCritical room works for both the Gorgon (On Shore) and Wheatstone (Off Shore) projects.
South 32
ClientSouth 32
ScopeCritical room at key Northern Territory facility.
WA Police
ClientWA Police
ScopeDesign and deliver a video wall system for the State Operations Centre (SOC) with ...
ScopeErgonomic and human factors upgrade to the main control room and distributed control ...
ScopeTo create an interactive “fly through” visualization for a new space center.
Ergonomie Australia
ScopeTo create an interactive VR design tool for Ergonomie to assess the human factors (HF) ...