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Increase uptime & lifespan of control room equipment

A well designed, manufactured and installed Control Room should have a life span of 10+ years. Over this time dust, debris and mould can build up in and around your consoles, cavities and cables, impacting overall equipment performance and reducing the return on investment.

Despite the value and cost of control rooms, they are often abandoned by vendors after sign-off and not maintained properly while continuing to be subject to high wear and tear 24/7 365 days a year.

The performance and longevity of control room environments can be significantly enhanced by preventative maintenance, testing and regular cleaning of equipment and associated infrastructure.

Man data centre maintenance

After care for control rooms

CADwalk After Care provides preventative maintenance to operational critical environments. We have the knowledge and experience to ensure the useful life of your investment is maximised, improving return on investment.

We offer market leading warranties on equipment supplied and installed by CADwalk.

We also provide multi-level Service Level Agreements (SLA), to ensure that uptime is maximised and risks minimised. Our SLA's are adapted to each client, depending on requirements and criticality. As a part of our SLA's, we can provide specific cleaning, preventative and general maintenance to control room hardware, such as AV equipment, KVM, cabling, and consoles.

Our support service provides minimal disruption to adjacent work activities (no down time), helps equipment run more efficiently, and extends the life of your equipment and consoles; all while your critical room infrastructure remains reliable and safe.

CADwalk After Care goes beyond the physical also offering a continuous improvement loop to the operations team. Capturing new requirements, and sometimes old challenges, to make sure that the capability of the room is understood and being utilised to its full potential. 

Whatever age your control room is, CADwalk After Care can keep your control room clean, maintained and utilised to its full capacity. Contact us for an obligation free quote.

Control room military dark people

“The feedback from the operations team has been positive. Your staff were skilled and worked within our procedures, safely, at all times.”



Consulting & Design

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Supply & Install


After Care

maintenance icon





Video Walls & AV

Case Studies

Sydney Trains
ScopeRail Operations Centre (ROC) Operational Visual Display System for over 100 operators.
WA Utility
ClientWA Utility
ScopeDesign, project management, supply and install of Control Room technical hardware ...
ScopeCritical room works for both the Gorgon (On Shore) and Wheatstone (Off Shore) projects.
South 32
ClientSouth 32
ScopeCritical room at key Northern Territory facility.
WA Police
ClientWA Police
ScopeDesign and deliver a video wall system for the State Operations Centre (SOC) with ...
ScopeErgonomic and human factors upgrade to the main control room and distributed control ...
ScopeTo create an interactive “fly through” visualization for a new space center.
Ergonomie Australia
ScopeTo create an interactive VR design tool for Ergonomie to assess the human factors (HF) ...